When Carl Jung said, “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes,” he was referring to the importance of self-reflection and introspection in achieving a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.
When we “look outside,” we are focused on the external world and the various distractions and influences that come with it. This can lead to daydreaming, fantasizing, and a sense of disconnection from our true selves.
On the other hand, when we “look inside,” we turn our attention inward and engage in self-reflection. This means examining our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and questioning the assumptions and biases that shape our perceptions of the world. This process of self-discovery can be challenging, but it can also lead to greater self-awareness, clarity, and personal growth.
In short, Jung’s quote is a reminder that we can’t fully understand ourselves or our place in the world if we are always focused on external distractions. Instead, we need to take the time to look within and explore our inner landscape in order to awaken to our true selves.